Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Incredible Secrets to a Happy Marriage!

Have you ever asked your partner what are the three most sensitive parts on their body?

"An estimated 83% of divorces would not take place if couples asked each other the right questions"

One most important reason marriages end in divorce is because couples fail to ask the big questions before they walk down the aisle.

Can you truly say that you know your mate inside and out? How well do you know your partner's heart and mind?

"1000 Questions For Couples"

There are hundreds of fun "getting to know you" questions but there are also important questions that most people don't even think of asking but are absolutely necessary if you want to have a happy relationship.

If you are doing a pre-marital range or simply wanting to know your spouse extremely, these questions will prompt wonderful discussions and will help reveal who you really are. This book covers topics including ~~~

* Personality, Feelings & Emotions,

* Favorites,

* Pets,

* Attractions Health, Food & Well Being,

* Vacations,

* Morals, Convictions and Beliefs,

* Religion & Spiritual Matters,

* Car & Driver Holidays & Celebrations,

* Home & Home Life,

* Past & Future,

* Hobbies & Entertainment,

* Love, Romance & Date Nights,

* Friends & Family,

* Communication,

* Career and Education,

* Money,

* Relationships - Past & Present,

* Children & Child Rearing,

* Wedding & Honeymoon,

* Sex

If you and your partner answer these 1000 questions, I guarantee that you will know each other better than 99% of couples on the face of the earth.

Why Should You Pay Attention On This?

Michael Webb is a well-known author and he has an expert on writing books based on relationships. His 1000 Questions for Couples, has appeared on Oprah, NBC News, FOX News, Men are From Mars/Women are From Venus, and other prominent TV and radio shows. That's an attractive impressive resume compared to most people out there on the web who are trying to give relationship advice. He's so confident that you'll enjoy a more intimate and satisfying relationship with your loved one after reading 1000 Questions for Couples that he has a 100% money-back guarantee. No questions asked.

Author Bio:

Michael Webb has appeared on over 500 radios and television shows including Oprah, Men are From Mars/ Women are From Venus, NBC News, 700 Club, The Other Half, Iyanla, To Tell the Truth and FOX News. He has been featured in practically every major newspaper in the United States and is regularly mentioned in the nation's top magazines like Men's Health, Bridal Guide, Cosmopolitan, New Man, Women's Day, Family Circle and dozens others.

This e-book is recommend to both married and dating couples who want to make stronger their relationships and improve communication. It's not some long-winded, tedious book filled with cheap explanation, but this book filled with questions that will help you learn more about your loved one and become closer to them.

The cost for the best-selling 1000 Questions for Couples is only $27 but hurry; this is a limited promotional offer. It may raise the price to $37 or more, I promise if you invest today, you'll only need to invest $27.

Special Bonus For You ~~

Order today 1000 Questions for Couples and you will receive a copy of the best-selling e-book 101 Romantic Ideas ($13.95 value).

“I'm a divorced single mum but when I was married I went through this book after I was married and there was so much, even after being married for 12 years that I didn't know about my ex-husband. I'm currently in a relationship and my boyfriend

and I are going through this book and we have learned so much about each, that we've become so connected… It's a connection I didn't even have with a husband of 12 years and I've only been dating my boyfriend for 3. I just got the boo

k about a year ago so we're just still plugging along through it but It's just amazing! And our relationship couldn't be closer!"

– Michelle
Tampa Florida.

In all, there's nothing really negative I can say about this book. It delivers exactly what it says and covers every question you would ever want to ask your loved one.

Order immediately an instantly downloadable copy of this e-book immediately!


You must know about your relationship & test your compatibility and grow deeper in love.

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